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Consumer Protection


Far too often, large corporations will cut corners, overpromise, or hide problems under the mistaken assumption that they cannot be held accountable.  At the same time, many consumers feel that they are unable to vindicate their rights, thinking that any recovery would pale in comparison to the costs of litigation. The Firm’s Consumer Protection Litigation Group closes that gap, taking on some of the world’s largest companies on behalf of classes of consumers and entities nationwide who would otherwise be unable to litigate alone.    

Kessler Topaz has the deep experience, commitment and resources necessary to take consumer complaints to jury verdict. At the outset, we carefully evaluate our clients’ cases, pursing only the strongest legal theories and avenues for recovery. Throughout litigation, we pursue discovery vigorously.

Oftentimes, deceptive and fraudulent acts and practices are covered by state consumer protection statutes intended to protect consumers from corporate misconduct. Various federal laws may also apply, such as the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (18 U.S.C. § 1962(c), (d)) (“RICO”), where corporate misconduct involves conspiracies and/or fraudulent schemes including racketeering. The Consumer Protection Litigation Group also represents entities pursuing claims for negligence, public nuisance, breach of contract, and constitutional violations, among others. Our work in this field has resulted in many victories and substantial recoveries for consumers on a broad range of issues from illegal exactions imposed by the government and prescription drug pricing to oil and gas royalties and automotive defects.

Recently, Firm partners Joseph H. Meltzer and Melissa L. Yeates were appointed to leadership positions in the multi-district litigation, In re Social Media Adolescent Addiction/Personal Injury Products Liability Litigation, 4:22-md-03047-YGR (N.D. Cal.), pursuing claims on behalf of hundreds of school districts and local governments from around the country seeking to hold social media companies responsible for the substantial harms they have caused by creating and contributing to the ongoing youth mental health crisis.   

The Firm’s Consumer Protection Litigation Group has earned its nationwide reputation for excellence and stands ready to help vindicate the rights of consumers and entities injured by corporate misconduct.   

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